This past weekend was my last busy weekend until my January 11th wedding weekend!! Also, I can’t believe I’m posting this because I still have Christmas wrapping and a tad bit of shopping to do, anyone else?!?
This past weekend started off with a little bit of a rough start. I ate something funny on Friday and was super nauseas so I left work a little early. After laying down for 3 hours, I felt much better!! Craig hosted a guys poker night with friends on Friday night so the girls (and a few extra) came up with our own plans! We went to Miracle on Cary, the Christmas pop-up bar at the Jasper and Mellow Mushroom for dinner, it was a blast! 
Saturday morning I had Craig take a few head shots for me because I am working on some new content that new brides and grooms will get and my last picture of myself for my business was taken in 2016, ah! I HATED being on this side of the camera. I now feel each and every one of your pains, ha! 

Saturday late morning I met with a 2020 bride and groom at Panera which was super fun to hear all about their plans! Next up- my 10 year high school reunion. I felt so old!!!! It was so much fun seeing everyone at Center of the Universe and catching up with some of my best friends.
This was us on the morning of my 18th birthday and then again 11 years later, love them!
Craig got a kick out of finding me in all the yearbooks and watching our senior video interview, ha!
On Sunday, Craig and I headed up to Bridgewater to see his niece, Addie, perform in The Nutcracker. She did amazing as a soldier and spun sugar. We exchanged Christmas presents and Craig and I were gifted a really fun game called Throw Throw Burrito. We are planning to host a game night soon! We gave the kiddos crazy straws and some air chairs for camping. It was so much fun to see the youngest of the bunch walking everywhere now. We love them so much!

Thanks for stopping by, to read about last weekend, check it out HERE! Have a wonderful Christmas in just two short days!!